Friday, April 30, 2010

Some implementation ideas

Last week we came up with some game ideas so this week we should do some research into how to implement them. This might help us decide which to go with. If you have a whole nother game idea leave it as a comment in last weeks game ideas post and just let everyone know so they can read it. This post is for comments on what you've found out about implementation and comments on other's research.


  1. When I spoke to Floyd about implementation for the trampoline game he gave me some suggestions to follow up.
    He said a company called i-cubex makes a sort of tile thing that could be used to jump on. I looked them up:

    They look awesome but they are way over our budget at about $100 each.

    I also looked up some mini tramolines



    These were all too expensive. I also had a quick browse on ebay which seemed like it might yield some cheaper ones. If we go with this idea and really want trampolines thats probably the only way we'd be able to get them within budget but it would be a pain!

    As far as other ways to implement the game goes I had a look at sensors for arduino which are available. As we already have an arduino unit which is the schools to use we would only need to buy sensors. I think Floyd said we already have one vibration sensor so thats something. Looking at the prices that came up for vibration sensors they were all less than $10 each with some only $4.

    If we can make just simple platforms or something for people to jump to the vibration sensors should pick it up and the arduino will be able to communicate scores to the computer of we can manage to write a sketch for it (That's the hard part XD).
    Any way guys that's what I've got for the trampoline game. Opinions?

  2. Hi all,

    I thought a lot about what Candy told me last time about your game idea with trampolines, wack-a-mole etc. It sounds all very exciting and I can't wait to play it.
    You raised some very interesting points I had not thought of before: I _think_ some of the appeal of whack-a-mole is the fact that you hit something that reacts to the hit. Hitting is one thing (the team where you had to hit Larry utilized that), but getting the reaction of tangibly making something move (back) is another thing (Larry does not move). I also thought it might have to do with the fact that people might like to 'destroy' things. You basically destroy the mole. The same way you enjoy destroying sand castles on the beach. There is something satisfying about stepping on something that easily gives in. Maybe it is even similar to 'destroying' bubbles in bubble wrap. You destroy something and it gives back a nice feeling of achievement, together with sound. (I am thinking of turning that into another design dimension/card).

    So here you have identified something new. But the question now is, what is it that the computer can bring to whack-a-mole? How can a computer make it better? For example, it could create better sound effects, or allow to play it with friends far apart (you could have it in a way that if I hit the mole here, it comes out over there), or .... I am sure you can come up with ideas why a computer would benefit.

    Then there is the other thing you mentioned, something I am even more excited about: the trampoline: I know you only thought about it in terms of implementation, but I would like to encourage you to think more about it, outside what you currently have:

    I think jumping on a trampoline is very different, but maybe even more exciting than destroying something:
    it is the joy of movement, here: the joy of movement beyond what you can currently do: jumping higher. Jin Moen wrote a whole PhD about the joy of movement and the result is BodyBug:

    I believe you can do better than that: I would encourage you to think more about jumping, in particular on a trampoline: what makes it so much fun? Can the computer enhance it?

    continued on next comment (sorry, word limit reached)

  3. One thing I thought of with Luke is to attach a Wiimote to the bottom of a trampoline, and connect it to OSCulator, which then connects via midi to a synthesizer that Nick showed (this takes 5 min). This way, you can make it so that the higher you jump, the louder the sound gets. This is not much of a game, but I think you can come up with something very exciting, were everyone will go "wow, how did you do that? This is so much fun!"

    I also like the idea of making the trampoline the output, instead of a screen, this way, the input device (trampoline) is the same as the output device (lights, sound on trampoline) instead of a screen.

    Have you also thought about using the trampoline in different ways? Attach it to the wall and hit it with the fist can be 'joy of movement' as it nicely bounces back?

    Or attach to the ceiling, so you have to hit it with your head, that will nicely bounce you back onto the floor!

    Or you can make a "serious game" game that allows you to 'bounce' through the CBD: a city explorer game by bouncing through a 3D model (ok, maybe not the best idea).

    But bouncing is maybe a little like being on a swing, it's just great on its own, so you need to be very clever to bring the computer on without destroying its magic. Talking about a swing: one artist did a project on a swing: the higher you swing, the more laughter you hear through speakers:

    Please be careful when people jump, I see that some of you already pointed to the health and safety issues rightfully, and that's important. But also do not let that get in the way of your creativity: I am sure, on the demo night, you cancome up with ways of making it secure for everyone: bring some camping mattresses on the night, or attach people to a climbing harness (some people in class are rock-climbers) and attach a rope to them that you hold while they are playing or something like that. Just be always around when people are playing and strong enough to hold them when they exert themselves.

    I think you are on the right track, think a bit more and you will have something that all of your friends will love to play. If you have any concerns about implementation, please do not hesitate to contact me again and I am sure there is a way to realize any of your dreams.

    Keep up the good work,

  4. Floyd has a good point about the joy of jumping and movement. This is what I was trying to say to Nick Sanders and Mikey on Thursday night:

    Nick said that trampolines were too dangerous and fair enough to that, but he suggested instead the possibility of lights. I wasn't so sure if lights on the floor projected from above was as exciting. I mean sure colours are cool, but we must start stretching beyond our boundaries, and establishing fun though movement of our bodies is certainly an optimisitic path.

    Mikey suggested using pictures of people known to be disliked by most (i.e. Hitler), and using them as a motivation to "whack the mole". As much as I can see his logic in this, I think he's missing the mark, we shouldn't attempt as young game designers to pursue an era where fun is motivated by anger and hate, but once again, by innovative concepts such as movement. Also I think personal satisfaction in revenge is a short term amusement. People get bored.

    We have to find a way to really explore this idea. Maybe the tramplonie isn't so voodoo as we're making it out to be. And maybe we don't need to use three billion small trampolines. What can we do with just one?

    Maybe having targets above (the "moles") which can only be whacked when up high. So one needs to jump on the trampoline as high as they can in order to reach them? That idea sounds so exciting I'm actually inspiring myself to by a trampoline right now just to try it out hahaha

    We don't necessarily need to make a multiplayer game. How awesome would it be to have a line of people on demo night just to have a go jumping as high as they can on a trampoline. Come on people, find that inner child!

  5. Great thinking, your discussions are a great read. You could combine high-jumping trampoline with the bubble popper game projected high on a wall or even ceiling!

    Think again what can the computer give that you could not do without?

  6. PS: i agree, i really think you need to buy a trampoline at this stage and start jumping to see what it is like!

  7. Bring it in thursday and ask others what they would like to play with it!

  8. I really like the idea of changing this game to something with less trampolines has one is easily within our budget even with any tech we might need. I started thinking along the lines of what Estelle and Floyd were saying. Perhaps we could do something similar to the bubble popper but project onto the ground, so that players have to jump from the trampoline to the targets. They would have to jump further to get the ones on the outside!
    I'll keep thinking of other things we could do with this.
    I really think we might be over estimating the danger the type of trampolines I was thinking of involve. We used to have one when I was little I I can't remember ever hurting myself on it. At the very least it's no worse than running the wrong way up escalators so lets not get carried away with concern for safety.

  9. we all have great ideas and i think that what Estelle said about making it single player and having people line up to play our demo would definitely be awesome, i was thinking of having the trampoline against a wall and have a tape measure running up a wall. a person woulc jump heaps high and slap a sensor next to the tape showing how high they can get. then the next person wear a device thats strapped around their hand and as the device gets to the same hight it could make a sound ro something, this would push people to jumpt higher, however i feel that the game would be heaps boring if you just try to jump high and thats it.

    i was also thinking why is a jumping castle so much fun? and i think its because you can bounce off the wall and just thrash your body over the place until you are exhausted, i was talking to Candy and i thought we could make a game in a small room where it would be possible to bounce off the walls with an objective to hit devices around the room in a certain amount of time, or have a person set a time and another person to beat it.

    i was thinking, it would be awesome if we could have a person versing another person in our game in 2 seperate rooms. i feel that this would make the game alot more competitive as you wont be able to see the person. but thats just an idea

  10. Sounds sweet all, I think the best thing to do now is experiment with a trampoline as Floyd suggested... shall speak tomorrow and organise getting our hands on one :).


  11. Hey guys.
    Well today's sample of our concept incorporating the trampoline was quite productive as we targeted what the game would involve the player to do when they would jump. I quite like the silhouette idea but personally believe the point sensor idea is great!
    Thank you Floyd for suggesting using wii motes as sensors to slap; covered by a piece of cardboard and a soft object such as a sponge to slap on, so the wii mote does not fracture and break. Our team is going with this idea...

    As far as the wii mote's you suggested we get off the other teams:
    I spoke to Luke, however he needs his still for the bubble game...
    The other one lies with Tim... :)

    See you soon Floyd thanks.
